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Good fun

  • 24. 2. 2023
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I`ve always wondered what it`s like to be shot on target. And I`ve never tried this. That`s why I`ve decided that at some point, my friends and I could have some fun where maybe there`ll be some shooting. Do you know a game like Airsoft? If you don`t know Airsoft, then you can look somewhere on the internet because it`s really a very fun and interesting game that will mainly entertain teenagers. Especially the boys. Because my brother, Airsoft, really loves to play. And my brother, later when he was growing up, then he went to Prague to this kind of resort where you also shoot at decoys and all kinds of inanimate things.

You can try the shooting.

This started to interest me. Because I`ve never held a gun in my hand. So then when I asked my brother if I could ever try shooting, if he would take me with him, he told me it was no problem at all, he said. So, I told my friends it wouldn`t hurt if we tried this, too. Why not give it a try when we have the chance? Plus, I figured I`d try everything. And this isn`t as dangerous as bungee jumping, for example. While I like adrenaline, believe me, I would never try a parachute jump or bungee jump. And I really love myself for this. That`s why I thought I`d prefer shooting in Prague at the most, where I really enjoyed it a lot and that`s just from the perspective of the website.

The shooting is funny.

Because on their website you read a lot of information about how it would go. You don`t have to worry that you`ve never held a gun in your hand because of where anyone can help you. I`m sure you`ll enjoy it in shooting range because shooting in Prague is fun. And if you had to choose, what kind of weapon would you want to fire? I took a liking to a submachine gun. I`ve always liked it in film, so I really wish I could try it as well. And maybe in the shooting range, I can do this, and I`ll be happy.